For over 20 years, TCC Logistics, Thailand’s leading logistics provider and freight forwarder, has delivered integrated logistics solutions to Thai and international customers. Twenty years’ duration reflects experience and expertise in providing services to customers in various industries and underscores the trust customers give in TCC Logistics as a trustworthy logistics provider. Additionally, TCC Logistics still commits to continue developing service capabilities for the customers continuously by expanding the service network and cargo capabilities in various industries, from the beginning as an agriculture and general cargo transporting provider to the current state as a technology cargo transporting provider, particularly in electric vehicle (EV) segment which is currently growing rapidly. Furthermore, TCC Logistics is still evolving to seek more business opportunities for new product capabilities, including unceasingly supporting sustainability in business.

In 2024, TCC Logistics sees a good opportunity to celebrate its 20th anniversary while moving forward to setting future goals and directions the company commits to reaching.

 LM magazine has an opportunity to talk with Mr. Tom Chalermkarnchana, Group CEO, and Mr. Prapat Jitgomoot, Managing Director, TCC Logistics, on the experience, expertise, and milestones of TCC Logistics’ 20 years of success.

Successful History

Established in 2004, TCC Logistics initially started as a customs clearance service provider. Deriving its full name of ‘Thailand Customs Clearance’ to underscore its primary service offering. Over time, TCC Logistics Group has significantly expanded its scope of business and services network across supply chain logistics and transportation segments comprehensively, including maritime and air freight forwarding, customs brokerage, cross-border transportation, 3PL logistics, ocean carrier agency, and trading agency. However, one of the advantages that is still at the core of TCC Logistics is customs clearance and brokerage services provided for customers in every industrial segment.

“Since our inception, TCC Logistics has remained steadfast as a specialized customs clearance and customs brokerage. Underscored by the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) standard certification for the service provider that follows the World Customs Organization (WCO) regulations and guidelines. Moreover, we also have dedicated specialist teams providing the services under the right and precise guidelines with advice from our senior consultants reflecting our commitment to providing devotion, professionalism, and efficient services.” Mr. Chalermkarnchana emphasized.

It’s well known that customs clearance is full of difficulties and complexities that demand high precision to mitigate potential risks inherent in the import-export process. However, with expertise and overall performance, TCC Logistics instils confidence and impressions among the customers regarding efficiency and speed. As a result, TCC Logistics has earned the trust of numerous partners as Thailand’s leading customs clearance expert.

“TCC Logistics has a specialized team equipped to deliver comprehensive customs clearance services, including the verification tariffs, free zones, tax deduction, and more exclusively tailored services to meet our customer’s specific needs, ensuring maximum tax benefit.” Mr. Jitgomoot added.

“With a wealth of experience, visionary executives, and talented employees, coupled with a robust service network, we identified opportunities to extend our business into other segments within logistics industries, from maritime, air, and land freight forwarding segments to cross-border transportation, 3PL logistics, ocean carrier agency, and trading agency. Ensuring the customers can use TCC Logistics integrated services all in one place.”

– Mr. Tom Chalermkarnchana, Group CEO, TCC Logistics –

Integrated Logistics

Despite significant success as a customs clearance services provider, TCC Logistics didn’t halt business development until that milestone. For more than two decades, TCC Logistics has continuously expanded its capabilities, including extending its business offering a range of services and expanding its market base within the industry comprehensively.  

“With a wealth of experience, visionary executives, and talented employees, coupled with a robust service network, we identified opportunities to extend our business into other segments within logistics industries, from maritime, air, and land freight forwarding segments to cross-border transportation, 3PL logistics, ocean carrier agency, and trading agency. Ensuring the customers can use TCC Logistics integrated services all in one place.” Mr. Chalermkarnchana talked about the past management of TCC Logistics.

As market demands for logistics and transportation services surged, freight forwarding emerged as one of the services TCC Logistics is currently focusing on. Mr. Jitgomoot stated, “While TCC Logistics started by providing freight forwarding services primarily in project and agriculture cargo segments, technology has grown more influential in society. Consequently, we have extended our business base by including technology and electronics cargo transporting services aligning with prevailing industrial trends. Similar to the continuously growing retail cargo segment, TCC Logistics currently contributes to providing additional services.

“TCC Logistics stands poised to deliver freight forwarding services for every type of cargo to every destination worldwide. Leveraging a robust partnership network in many countries, particularly in China. We also have a specialized team ensuring the operations will follow standards for every cargo category.” Mr. Jitgomoot added.

“TCC Logistics stands poised to deliver freight forwarding services for every type of cargo to every destination worldwide. Leveraging a robust partnership network in many countries, particularly in China. We also have a specialized team ensuring the operations will follow standards for every cargo category.”

– Mr. Prapat Jitgomoot, Managing Director, TCC Logistics –

Furthermore, in 2017, TCC Logistics acquired ISO 9001:2015 standard certification for freight forwarding services, significantly underscoring its expertise and operation standards.

Going Forward

With ceaseless development, currently, TCC Logistics has expanded its expertise into the electronic vehicle cargo segment, positioning itself as a customs clearance provider for internationally branded EV cars imported to Thailand with the collaboration of leading global ocean carriers, aligning with the industry’s shift towards supporting environment-friendly clean energy usage.

“Given the current marketing trend, we anticipate that within 2-3 years, the EV cars market will grow by 200%, influenced by many factors such as government promotional policies, manufacturing capabilities, escalating market demand, ongoing developing innovation and technology, and the emphasis of environment-friendly transportation. In response, TCC Logistics is proactively expanding its capabilities in the EV car segment to meet customers’ demands, committing to enhance the business practices sustainably with the advantages from our experiences in the industry, robust partnership network, and business strategies that are always open for new opportunities making TCC Logistics be able to seize business opportunities and move forward to delivering services for the customers seamlessly. Although customs clearance for electronic vehicles is significantly challenging, our team can facilitate specialized expertise and know-how to efficiently, safely, and cost-effectively employ services to customers. As a result, TCC Logistics has earned increased customer trust in ocean carriers and leading EV car manufacturers.” Mr. Jitgomoot added.

TCC Logistics’ performance is underscored by successfully transporting 6,000 containers of EV cars. Furthermore, TCC Logistics has set a goal to expand its capabilities further, aiming to transport 10,000 containers by the end of the current year.

Going Above and Beyond

From its origin as a customs clearance expert to an integrated logistics solutions provider capable of responding to industrial shifts seamlessly, reflecting adept business development strategies and forward-thinking vision of TCC Logistics, committed to embracing new opportunities and continually enhancing services quality development. Mr. Charlermkarnchana concluded, “Regardless of the challenges we encounter, TCC Logistics remains poised to seize new opportunities to harness our capabilities to stay abreast of generation trends, responding to TCC Logistics’ overarching goal, which is driving forward to a brighter future while consistently delivering top-notch services to our long-time supporting customers.”

TCC Logistics’ extensive experience is a cornerstone of its expertise, underpinned by a vision of ceaseless development. This steadfast commitment ensures that in the future, TCC Logistics will always persist in bolstering its capabilities, expanding its business footprint, and confronting new challenges head-on to deliver efficient logistics solutions honed over more than 20 years of experience.

Thank you for the shooting location: The Bangkok Club

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Kittipat Sakulborirak
Writer, film maker, coach and some type of your friend