Port of Rotterdam Growth Driven by Container Throughput


During the first six months of 2019, The port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands achieved a throughput of 240.7 million tonnes. That is an increase of 3.4% over the same period in 2018. One of the ports main priorities, container throughput, rose 4.8% (in tonnes, +6.4% in TEU) by comparison with the same period in 2018. The growth is a result of the significantly higher import and transhipment volumes.

Port of Rotterdam President and Chief Executive Officer, Allard Castelein said, “Throughput in the port is doing well, particularly in the strategically important container market segment. The financial results of the Port Authority are good. We can, therefore, continue to invest in the port, in physical infrastructure and digital solutions for trade and logistics.”

Along with the growth of throughput, the ports financials were also positive for the first half of 2019, there was a slight increase in revenue from port dues, and rental and leasehold income from issued land, resulting in leading to a rise in revenue of 4.0% to € 357.8 million, with liquid bulk making the largest contribution. Due to operating expenses rising less than actual revenue, the result from ordinary activities before taxation improved by 7.0% to € 134.8 million.


  • Total throughput of 240.7 million tonnes, a new record
  • Increase in container throughput to 7.5 million TEU (+6.4% in TEU, +4.8% in tonnes)
  • Moderate increase (+4.0%) in revenue of the Port of Rotterdam Authority to € 357.8 million
  • Clear increase (+7.0%) in operating result to € 134.8 million
  • Ongoing high investments (€ 177.1 million) in infrastructure

Mr. Castelein also commented on the future outlook for the port “In the macroeconomic field, relations between the world’s major trading blocs remain strained. There is also ongoing uncertainty about the introduction of trade tariffs post-Brexit. Both developments are rendering the prospects for the further growth of world trade uncertain. Given the global uncertainties mentioned here, the Port of Rotterdam Authority expects a slight weakening of the growth in cargo throughput in the second half of 2019.”

You can read the 2019 Half-Year Report HERE

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Satida Tinarak
Satida Tinarak is a fresh writer who loves to read political novels or even constitutional law. Politics news is a subject that she never gets tired of.